Thursday, September 26, 2013

Poem 3 : Banyuwangi Jenggirat Tangi

Uu’n hariyati

Banyuwangi Jenggirat Tangi

Pathok bisu iku nyidem lan mendhem perihe sengkala sewu
Sengkala sewu nebar prahara ring parone taun petangpuluh pitu
Kawitane iming-iming picis kenthing, lan beras kuning
Kari kari diobong, blambangan kelangan kudangane maning

Merdheka iki dudu barang ulihe upah – upahan
Dibelani adhus getih toh nyawa lan pati
Bandane dunyo entek-entekan
Nusantara nangis dienggo rebutan
Banyuwangi milu serentelan
Semono lawase merdheka magih demen cakar-cakaran

He! Lare Banyuwangi
Gancanga njingkat, tangiya jenggirat
Kang kenceng ngadep kiblat
Aja dhemen sambat
Singkrihena mlarat
Eseme ijen lan selat bali
Nggugah semangate lare Banyuwangi
Urun bekti bela negeri
Tetepena blambangan ambune wangi

Banyuwangi, Agustus 2000

Poem 2 : SEBLANG

oleh : Makhrifatul Murdhita

Perempuan belia  berjalan mengiringi sang surya untuk terlelap
Menepis ketakutan yang mengoyak fikiran
Mawar yang tersentuh hadirkan duka
Namun dihapus dengan  lukisan senyum penuh misteri

Tampak dari jauh
Cahaya redup, bagai lilin diterpa angin
Saat  ia masuk ke dalam kerumunan
Kabut hitam pekat menusuk mata
Semebar  aromaa kemenyan

Lelaki tua bermata tajam
Mulutnya mengulum kata mantra
Ia terpejam.....
Hadirkan kekuatan roh leluhur

Puluhan kaki bersorak
Sayup – sayup terdengar
Tangan manusia mainkan gendang
Mengiringi tatap ayam bulu hitam yang siap temui ajal
Hasil bumi temani tidur ayam
Tuk jadi sesembahan
Selamatkan dan bersihkan dusun

Mata terpejam
Kelam nya dunia ini baginya
Seblang mulai gerakkan tubuhnya
Ikuti alunan gendang dan nyanyian

Gundukan fikiran berlari tanpa arah
Roh leluhur  telah mendekapnya erat-erat
Mahkota bunga di atas kepala
Tak terasa berat

Menangis,mengeluh tak sempat ia rasakan
Seakan tubuh mati rasa
Hanya satu asa,
tuk keselamatan dan keharmonisan alam semesta
Menari dan terus menari

Semburat jingga ditapal batas dunia
Lelaki tua berdiri tegak di depan seblang
Tangannya seolah ingin bukakan gerbang kegelapan
Bangunkan seblang dari lelapnya
Antarkan seblang kembali pada dunia nyata

Ku tahu
Cahaya kehidupan semakin redup
Akankah seredup kehidupan seblang?
pagi masih menanti
Menjadi harapan seblang tuk bertahan
Dalam kisaran waktu yang terus memburu



this morning, my mom called me. from her voice i know that she has a trouble but she tried to calm her. then, she told me about horrible moment in the bus. at the time, my mom on the way home from jakarta with my grandfather. arrived at jember, she was sleepy and finnaly she sleep on the bus. my mom usually looking for a seat which is beside the window, but at the time she sat beside the way. when she slept , she feel that her bag is moved. she shocked when she looked a big hole in her bag and there was someone who put his hand inside the bag. my mom doesn't scream because she afraid  the robber gonna stabbed her with the cutter which he used to tear the bag. so, she just said "ehhh, tasku disilet yoooo".
ahhh jember is thief city, mainly in the tawangalun bus station. many thieves and many frauds. i said that because i ever know and my mom is a victims from, i would like to share several tips in the public transportation so that you won't be a victims like my mom :

  1. don't use any jewelry. because it would make the robber interested.
  2. try to don't bring cash money in your bag.
  3. don't easy to trust anyone who talk to you
  4. if you bring some bags, don't forget to check them when you up or down from the bus.
  5. don't to open your wallet, or bags in front of public.
  6. put your  zipper under your armpit for anticipation if there is someone who wanna open your bag silently. 
maybe, just it some tips from me. if you wanna add, please leave your comment !!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dins for Al - Mujtahiddin :)

from my older post about korlap, i infer that readers likes something smells gossip, right? haha , because of that i'm gonna tell you about most popular guy in Fakulty of Scientic.

oke readers, Please Welcome for Misterrrrr Didin a.k.a Al-Mujtahiddin as precident of BEM FMIPA :D *prokprokprok

does he looked like shahrukh khan, or pasha? hahaha i think so, because he has maskulin face which is make a lot of girls crazy about him. beside, he has a charisma which doesn't have by other leader in MIPA even though he has a "cempreng" voice wkwkw .

Al Mujtahiddin was born on Praya,Nusa Tenggara Barat 20 May 1992, and now he is 20 years old. he is alumnus from SMAN 1 Praya. now he studies at Mathematic department in Sains Faculty at University of Brawijaya generation of 2010/2011.  My friend said that Praya is dominated by Moslem, so that didin faithful to Islam very very very much.  


you know what? when his birthday 4 months ago, his friend make sign for said "Happy Birthday". but why they must include a word "PIPI" there? that's so weird

that's not fair. they should attach my name as MIMI saya PIPI Didin wkwk LMAO. because, if my wishes happen i'm sure that now i'm already sleeping beauty in the hell . my beloved friend "A" is the one of his secret admirer. she always scream didin's name when he passed in front of her. But poor A, she gonna be a admirer for-ever because she doesn't include in the girls type which didin want to. from gossip, didin likes a girl who make a hijab untill closed her chest, and wear a long skirt. ehmmm i think the type is like terorist wife while my friend is a normal girl. no cadar, no chest hijab. 

this is a sign for you Mr. Didin from my lovely friend "A"

oke, just it for Mr. Al Mujtahiddin and these are some account from Al Mujtahiddin but don't be dissapointed or hesitated because several account doesn't have a picture.

NB :  everything that i said here just for laugh , :) and for help people who wanna be professional secret admirer haha

Monday, September 23, 2013

What Happened Today

today i wore batik in the college. maybe, some people thought that batik is used to formal event. But now, people are clever to mix and match the batik with many clothing and accesoris so that it looks casual. actually, i love batik since i was in elementary. i'm interested with all stuff smells batik. i think batik showed my inner beauty so that i feel confidence when i wore batik. and these are clothing which i wore today
  my top from Batik Putra Laweyan , jeans from Logo and unbreanded necklace

and this is me and Afanin in the campuss. this picture taken by ari, how poor ari . she didn't join with us. usually , she is photo maniac when i bring my camdig. 

after study, me and four beloved friends accompanying ari to bought a sport shoes. so, we went to MOG (Malang Olympic Garden) . we confused to decide , which one do we like. because , all of shoes was great, cool and comfortable. but , some of them was expensive, made we must put it back to table and looked other shoes which is suitable with our pocket. ari found yellow shoes but the cost was expensive. so we have to put it back and found other cheaper shoes . finally, ari bought grey shoes which was cheap, cool, and lightly. how about us? No, we didn't buy because my wallet is empty. hahaha


arrived at home, dinar asked to me do i have a kitchen or no, because she was really wanna eat noodle soup with mixed egg and slice of chilli . unfortunately my dorm doesn't have a kitchen because if it has a kitchen she ask me to cook noodle soup like she want. but i tried to ask my dorm guard to cook it for me.

then, a bowl of noodle soup with egg and slice of chilli ready to eaaaattt . but, it doesn't like dinar want to. the egg must be mixed and stirr with the noodle when they still in the boiled water or pan. iyuuhh, i can't imagine. i think it would be disgusting


holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is my waking up face LOL

which one do you like?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First Exercise :D

hollaaa, this the first time i join in Perisai Diri UB's exercise . really excited!
we did it in widyaloka , beside rektorat UB .

my friend from banyuwangi who accompanying me are deria and dinar. me and deria is newbie, but dinar is my senior. that's made we exercise in differ place :( . dinar already have the uniform because she have joined Perisai Diri since two years ago.
i wore my lovely T-shirt from kaOsing, and length sports pants ex SMA 1 Glagah, the only one sport pants which i have.

at the first time , i really excited and powerful , after 1 hour i was less spirit and getting tired because i sweating too much and didn't drink at all . the exercise, finished at 06.00 p.m . on the way home, my legs feel little painful . i thought it's gonna be okay for a while. in fact, it's getting worse. my legs, my stomach, my arm, were difficult to moved. i know, that's the effect when i seldom to move my body.

but this is not make me resign from PD. back to my first purpose HELP MY BODY TO BE ACTIVE SO THAT I'M NOT EASILY GET ILLNESS. because i know the consequence from being student in university are must do something on time and be active, we're gonna be in campus all day long and we'll got a lot of task only on one day. that's would be bad for our body if it doesn't be balanced with exercise.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Task 11 : Kriteria Mahasiswa Berprestasi Ideal

Mahasiswa adalah seorang pelajar dalam katagori dewasa. namanya saja Maha yang berarti besar dan siswa yang artinya belajar. disini mahasiswa bukanlah lagi remaja atau anak anak yang hanya bermain main dalam hidupnya, mahasiswa dituntut untuk berperan aktif di lingkungan sekitar walaupun tujuan utamanya adalah tetap belajar. Mahasiswa dibagi menjadi beberapa katagori yaitu mahasiswa yang pasif dan mahasiswa yang aktif. mahasiswa yang pasif adalah mahasiswa yang dalam proses belajarnya diperguruan tinggi tanpa diimbangi dengan prestasi maupun organisasi. jadi yang dikejar hanyalah nilai yang cumlaud dan lulus cepat. Namun, berbeda dengan mahasiswa yang aktif. mahasiswa yang aktiv adalah mereka yang memiliki semangat belajar yang tinggi, namun tanpa mengesampingkan prestasi akademik maupun non-akademik, serta mengikuti organisasi dimana dia berperan aktif didalamnya. berikut adalah kriteria mahasiswa yang berprestasi ideal menurut saya pribadi :

1. Memiliki semangat belajar yang tinggi (Rajin)

RAJIN, adalah kunci utama kita menjadi orang yang sukses menurut pendapat banyak orang termasuk saya. jika IQ kita tinggi, secerdas cerdasnya kita jika kita tidak rajin dalam menimba ilmu, kita tidka akan bisa menjadi orang yang sukses. karena sekali lagi saya tekankan bahwa rajin adalah kunci suskses seseorang. dengan rajin kita akan menjadi manusia yang ulet dan pantang menyerah. 

2. Aktif dalam sosial

saya sering mendengar dari senior saya bahwa sepandai pandainya kita jika tidak mengikuti suatu organisasi atau aktiv dalam kegiatan sosial maka kita sama saja dengan tidak ada artinya. saya sering berfikir, mengapa mereka berkata demikian. padahal menurut saya , pintar itu sudah menjadi jaminan orang itu sukses dikemudian hari. ternyata setelah saya kaji lebih dalam, benar sekali kata senior senior saya. Jika kita hanya pintar pintar saja tapi kita tidak berperan aktif dalam organisasi maka kita akan kewalahan ketika terjun di dunia pekerjaan. karena kebanyakan mahasiswa yang menyandang predikat mahasiswa berprestasi jarang sekali mengikuti organisasi in maupun eks universitas. Karena terlalu banyaknya waktu yang mereka gunakan hanya untuk menimba ilmu tanpa mempraktekkan ilmu itu terlebih dahulu. Ibarat memasak,kita hanya memasakknya hingga matang dan menjadi  makanan yang lezat namun kita tidak memakannya. benar kita punya skill tapi kita tidak mengembangkannya. karena belajar tidak hanya melalui buku tebal atau ucapan dosen saja, tetapi belajar itu bisa dari mana saja termasuk lingkungan sekitar seperti lingkungan perkuliahan.

oleh sebab itu sangat disayangkan jika seorang mahasiswa berprestasi dalam akademik namun tidak berprestasi di lingkungannya (organisasi) maka dia akan dengan mudah dilupakan, diremehkan dan dikucilkan. dilupakan karena jarang mengikuti organisasi sehingga tidak memiliki banyak teman/channel, diremehkan karena dia hanya memiliki teori tanpa pernah dipraktekkan, dikucilkan dari pergaulan karena dia tidak akan memiliki teman selama dia tidak mengikuti kegiatan diluar jam belajar. karena kita mahasiswa yang memang dituntut belajar untuk diterjunkan ke dunia pekerjaan, dunia sosial. sehingga menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi tidaklah cukup jika tidak mengikuti organisasi. karena itu adalah wadah untuk kita mengadaptasikan diri untuk langkah dikemudian harinya.

3. Taat dalam beribadah

kembali lagi kepada kodrat kita menjadi manusia. Tujuan manusia diciptakan adalah untuk menyembah kepadaNYA. kita diberi kepintaran, diberi kemampuan untuk berfikir, bahkan ada yang diberi kemampuan lebih dari manusia lainnya tujuannya tidak lain adalah untuk dipergunakan sebaik mungkin sehingga kita dapat beribadah namun dengan tetap mengamalkan ilmu ilmu yang telah kita pelajari. percuma kita menjadi mahasiswa yang berprestasi tapi kita tidak menaati aturan agama yang kita anut. kita melupakan waktu kita untuk beibadah hanya untuk belajar tanpa ingat bahwa yang memberi waktu kita di dunia ini sehingga kita dapat belajar dan menjadi mahasiswa yang berprestasi adalah Tuhan YME.

Selain itu sebagai manusia yang diberi kepintaran lebih oleh Tuhan seharusnya kita sering sering bersyukur atas anugrah yang telah diberikanNYA. Tuhan memberi kita kelebihan bukan semata mata karena kita orang baik namun karena kita orang terpilih dari sekian juta umat manusia dibumi ini yang diberi kepercayaan untuk menggunakan apa yang telah diamanatkan sebaik mungkin. Untuk itulah kita harus senantiasa bersyukur kepada Tuhan.  Tuhan bisa mengambil lagi apa yang telah DIA berikan kepada kita jika kita menomor duakanNYA.

4. Sikap yang Santun
Bolehlah kita memiliki otak yang encer, tapi jangan lupa. Orang lain yang menilai kita. Jika kita tidak menunjukkan sikap yang baik atau santun kepada orang disekitar kita, maka yang terjadi adalah semakin banyak orang yang mencemooh kita karena sikap yang buruk. Namun sebaliknya , jika kita santun kepada siapapun akan banyak orang yang segan dan keuntungannya kita dapat menjaga kewibawaan kita selalu.

Itulah beberapa kriteria dari mahasiswa berprestasi yang ideal menurut saya. Semoga essay ini dapat membantu para pembaca untuk menentukan mau menjadi mahasiswa seperti apakah kita nantinya.
teman , ataupun dosen.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


maybe some of you dunno about  korlaps? so, i wanna tell ya a  lil bit about korlaps. korlaps same as osis in senior high school. they are who control all activity in  PK2MU . but, there is something different with manner which they do. they always shouted to us, even though they just give a command to make a neat our line . as usual, they also looking for our mistake even it was a lil mistake like skewed hat , poni, our shoes and so on . aaaarrkkhh it's made us crazy, because we thought that we never do something right there were some korlaps which always yelled to us.


from trustworthy source , Adimas Kresna Prayudha  was born in jakarta,  9 may 1994. but i'm not sure about from where he is, because some adimass account said that he is from jakarta but another account said that he is from jember. he is a moslem and now he stays on malang and study in physic department at University of Brawijaya , exactly! . he is a younger than other korlaps because he is from generation  of 2012/2013 while others from gerneration of 2010 till 2011. the fact about adimas, he is one of many guy with masculine face which has a lot of secret admirer out there.
he ever have a dream to be a FC Barcelona coach leader. yes, HE IS A BARCELONISTAS since at senior high school.
"Hi coz namaku dimas gw paing ngefans ama barca . Q suka ama raksasa catalan itu saat juara Liga champions musim 2005 - 2006" 
these are  the testimonies which proof that adimas is real barcelonistas. 

ok, on the top are adimass picture when he still at senior high school. soooo cuteee right? ^0^ and chubby too

Oke just it for adimas, i'll tell you about others korlaps. ouh, i almost forget to shared adimass account to help everybody who became adimass secret admirer hahahahaha

you can call him ibadur or ibad. he was born on sumenep, 12 april . he is moslem. like adimas , he study in physic department at University of Brawijaya but he is generation of 2011/2013 . although he doesn't have admirers as much as adimas , but he looked for by many newbie student  because one of our assignment is fill our paper with korlapss sign. ibad graduates from SMP 1 sumenep and SMA 1 sumenep. So, he's really maduranese . 



HAHAHAHA i don't know how to judge him because there's no history about him which i found to tell you. may be enough for ibadur, if you interested to him, please visit his FACEBOOK << click it


now, we talking about mohammad ali which is make me mad . why? because one of difficult assignment is when i ask his sign. he gave me hard questions which is never i thought before like Pembantu Rektor 1, 2, 3 and so on . but never mind, it's already gone. oke, Mohammad Ali or Ali was bor on Jakarta 6 November 1992. He's a moslem. He study physic department at University of Brawijaya like two others but he is generation of 2011/2013 same as Ibaddur , but he's from geophysic program of study not pure physic like others. he is an alumnus from SMPN 5 Malang and SMA 5 Malang. 

Omagah, i'm  dizzy with korlaps hometown. they said from jakarta but another source said that they from others city. do they faked their identity? i don't think so, but it's really annoying.

oke back to M. Ali . nowadays, he has a position as General Director of Advokasi in MIPA faculty of Universitas Brawijaya. enough for Ali , here is his FACEBOOK page




his full name is Prastiwa A. P but mostly people call him Cesi, i don't knw why. he's a good korlap, but my friend Iqbal was scare if Prastiwa walked to him. Iqbal said , her face was extreamly. haha LOL.
Prastiwa was born on 4 June, 1993 in Malang. Yeah, Prastiwa is Arema hahaha. he's alumnus from SMA 2 Malang and now he study in Chemistry departmen at University of Brawijaya. maybe just it from prastiwa, i'm not interested to him.