Thursday, November 14, 2013


after JJM we back to the tent and sleep. but, before lay in the tent we waited  others group came and gathered .Because all people were tired , they sleep in the middle of the tent field. included me :D
when all people was gathered the committee ask us to pray to god .and that was mean TIME TO BREAK for me.

when, the girls in my tent slept to take a rest i can't close my eyes although i was really sleepy at the time. then, i decided to wash my face. the game begun at 8 am. there were 8 spot in the way to the top hill which used to JJM last night . and we must finished the game in each spot ,
first spot . we must crawling like a baby with closed eyes from the start line to finish which prepared by committee. we moved if only commanded by leader.

second spot. we must move like what instructure said. when she said "kanan,kiri, maju nor mundur" we move as usual. but when she commanded us and added "CONG"  we move to the wrong way. example : kanan cong ! (we must jump to the left)

third spot . this game same as komunikata. we whispered a sentence from one to others. and the last person, must write it to the paper.

fourth spot moved a ball with closed eyes.

fifth spot. moved a holahop from tali rafia from one hand to others.

sixth spot. we relay race and used some goods. the last person used all goods and walk as good as in catwalk

seventh spot. the wet spot. here, we moved a glass of water from one bucket to another with aqua glasses which was stick in our head. the failed team would be splashed by a bucket of water

eighth spot. at the final spot we must destroy our foe balloons with our legs. so, we hold hand each others and  then ran to broke others team balloons

the games finished at 12 o'clock. after that we taken a rest, pray to god, eat, and also take a bath. we given break time, so we used it for take a nap but there was several team used their time to prepared for inagurasi at night. as usual my team was not great like others. we just showed acoustic, mainstream -___- arggghhhh so ashamed .

in the morning we had a breakfast in the front of tent

 after that, we make a line in the middle of the tent field. we
okeee just it for Master Day, i hope i never join that event again Bcos, it's make my skin darken :/ . i go gome with burned skin , and it's not cool. BYE!

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