Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trip To Solo :D

yesterday, i went to solo to spend my weekend with my beloved aunty :)
i felt bored to be here all day long with the mainstream activities smells campus, task, or ospek. so, i thought that a little refreshing could refresh my mind :)

because my pocket was not friendly,  i decided to went to S O L O :D met my aunty. that's not my only purpose, actually i wanna watched a movie without use any money
how? aunty moneyyyyyy --> it's prove that i can solve my hardest problem with my self :))
 here is our tickets
 kyaaa kyaaa that's my ticket... woaaaw--> pretty excited -__-
because at the time still 17:00 and the movie will begin at 17.50 i ask my aunty to bought me some snack. but, in the corner of foodcourt there was something that catch my eyes. yeahhhhhhh sushi resto. they were so teased. finally i bought one and my aunty too.

 top from auntys, bracelet from vista , watch my own, bag from matos 
she didn't tell me that the my head was clipped in the camera -_-

in and out roll "crabstick"

yaaaa although the garnish wasn't good, but the taste is really gooooooooood
but, it can't compared with my shusi that drained my pocket. look

hmmm so yummy right? but the price is not yummy

Saturday, November 23, 2013


kemarin malam TL aku penuh banget sama tweet anak smada yang merayakan kemenangan mereka atas basketnya melawan smansa (Banyuwangi). tapi lama lama tweet kemenangan itu berubah jadi cemoohan. Dari kubu smada membuat tweetyang sangat kasar yang menurut aku itu ditujukan untuk anak smansa. nahhh , anak smansanya juga bikin tweet yang ditujukan untuk anak smada. 

dari tweet yang mereka buat aku bisa tau duduk permasalahannya. mereka berdua sama sama tidak mau mengalah karena dari kubu smansa berangapan jika kubu smada terlalu sombong atas kemenangannya, dan dari kubu smada mengatakan bahwa kubu smansa tidak menerima atas kekalahannya. 

hmmm aku tidak bermaksut untuk memihak kepada satu sisi. tapi menurutku, bahasa yang digunakan oleh anak anak smada dari tweet mereka  memperihatkan bahwa mereka adalah kubu yang angkuh, menanggap remeh lawan dan tidak menghormati yang kalah. sedangkan anak anak smansa termakan oleh pancingan emosional dari kubu smada. menurut anak smansa jika mereka diam saja tanpa membela diri mereka akan disebut pecundang oleh sebab itu mereka mengeluarkan kata kata yang tidak kalah kasarnya dengan anak smada. 

peristiwa seperti itulah yang akan terjadi apabila didalam mainset kita hanya ada persaingan, dan persaingan. "doesn't matter if you win or lose . it's all about respect each others isn't it?"

this's an advise for all winner in the world, 
"mocked nor laughed at the losing team are not supposed to do by the winner". as far, that's what i know. night :)"

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


maybe you asking , why i take this picture. i taken this picture because i like to see a blooming flower . they're really beautiful. moreover, if there is a water on their petals. hmmmm i imagine that i can smell the fresh air.i prefer to take a picture of flower than pick it up and put them in the vas. because, if we have the flower in the vas, it will die for a couple days. but if we only have a picture of it, we can smell the fresh, we can look the beauty , everywhere and everytime with imagine of it. one more, it wouldn't die :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

TASK 15: Laporan Praktikum 3 (Peluang Kontinu)

oke readers, disini saya akan share tentang tugas praktikum metode statistika saya kepada kalian dengan soal seperti dibawah ini

Judul laporan : Peluang Kontinu
Tanggal laporan : 23 Oktober 2013

1.      Sebuah perusahaan pipa air menghasilkan pipa-pipa dari ukuran panjang 5,5 m. Dari pengukuran secara teliti ternyata pipa yang dihasilkan mempunyai panjang rata-rata *599,5 cm. Dengan standart deviasi sebesar 0.5 cm. Ukuran pipa yang memenuhi syarat yaitu  paling pendek *599 cm dan paling panjang *601 cm. kita mengambil secara sembarang satu pipa , maka berapa kemungkinannya pipa tersebut :
a.       Mempunyai panjang lebih dari 595 cm.
b.      Memenuhi syarat
c.       Mempunyai panjang kurang dari 590 cm.
d.      Tidak memenuhi syarat.
#Catatan :*Kurangi dengan satu digit terakhir pada NIM kalian.

2.      Berat bayi yang baru lahir rata-rata 3750 gram dengan ragam 105625. Jika berat bayi berdistribusi normal, tentukan :
a.       Berapa persen bayi yang beratnya 4500 gram .
b.      Berapa banyak bayi yang beratnya antara 3500 gram sampai 4500 gram jika ada 10000 bayi.
c.       Berapa banyak bayi yang beratnya kurang dari 4000 gram jika ada 10000 bayi.
#Catatan : *Tambah dengan dua digit terakhir pada NIM kalian.

3.      a. Hitunglah  bila n=12 (Gunakan cara genstat saja )
b. Hitunglah  bila n=10 (Gunakan cara genstat saja )
c. Hitunglah  bila derajat bebas=20(Gunakan cara genstat dan manual lihat di tabel)
#Catatan : *Tambah dengan satu digit terakhir pada NIM kalian.

4.      Berapa nilai x sedemikian hingga P(x < T < 1.90)= 0.10 bagi contok acak berukuran 25 yang diambil dari suatu populasi normal. (Gunakan cara genstat saja)

nah, untuk lebih jelasnya lagi kalian bisa download disini

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Beauty of Ladies

 i don't know what that's mean. because i made it when i feel bored with my task in the class.
hmmm because all confusing so i decided to give title of this picture is the Beauty of Ladies. from the picture, we know that a girl or women would looked pretty when they closed her eyes. the shape of her eyes will looked well, their lips hmmmmm sexy and the inner beauty will appear . oke it's just my opinion, my bad opinion. if you disagree with me, you can leave your comment so we can discuss together.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Quote Of The Day

" we must think twice before do something because the regret always come lately"


hi readers, i wanna tell ya about my team in master generation 2013. the name of my team is
W I L C O X O N. this is a team which the crew are student of mathematics department only. these are my friend
 Rauzan Sumara
  Program Study of Statistica
Taliwang, 30 April 1994

Hilmy Aliy Andra Putra 
Program Study of Mathematics 
Cibinong, 7 April 1995

Fachrul Kurniansyah
  Program Study of Statistica
Jakarta, 23 November 1995

Pogram Study of Mathematics

 Dwi Kartika Sari
Program study of Mathematics
Kediri, 21 April 1995

Yessi Chrismauli Hutahaean
Program study of Mathematics

Ezra Christine
Program study of Mathematics
Bekasi, 20 Desember 1995

Lalilis Saadah
Program study of Statistica
Surabaya,14 Januari 1995

Sabrina Martha
Program study of Statistica

Rif'atul Maftuhah
Program study of Statistica

the last but not least

Makhrifatul Murdhita
Program Study of Statistic
Banyuwangi, 25 April 1995

 and this is my logo team

although my team is not famous and great enough like others, but i'm proud to be a part of them. in my opinion, my team is solid and also creative. that's prove from almost all crew in my team became a committee in himamasta events like M-Day, Maba Present, Ol-Mater nor MPcom.
F.Y.I, at the PMC 3 my team be a runner up from video which collected by commite as our task. this is the video.

 ok, maybe you can called it stop motion. it's really cool.
poor me, because i only showed twice bcos i went banyuwangi when they made it.
oke, that is my team and i never forget beauty moment with them

Thursday, November 14, 2013


after JJM we back to the tent and sleep. but, before lay in the tent we waited  others group came and gathered .Because all people were tired , they sleep in the middle of the tent field. included me :D
when all people was gathered the committee ask us to pray to god .and that was mean TIME TO BREAK for me.

when, the girls in my tent slept to take a rest i can't close my eyes although i was really sleepy at the time. then, i decided to wash my face. the game begun at 8 am. there were 8 spot in the way to the top hill which used to JJM last night . and we must finished the game in each spot ,
first spot . we must crawling like a baby with closed eyes from the start line to finish which prepared by committee. we moved if only commanded by leader.

second spot. we must move like what instructure said. when she said "kanan,kiri, maju nor mundur" we move as usual. but when she commanded us and added "CONG"  we move to the wrong way. example : kanan cong ! (we must jump to the left)

third spot . this game same as komunikata. we whispered a sentence from one to others. and the last person, must write it to the paper.

fourth spot moved a ball with closed eyes.

fifth spot. moved a holahop from tali rafia from one hand to others.

sixth spot. we relay race and used some goods. the last person used all goods and walk as good as in catwalk

seventh spot. the wet spot. here, we moved a glass of water from one bucket to another with aqua glasses which was stick in our head. the failed team would be splashed by a bucket of water

eighth spot. at the final spot we must destroy our foe balloons with our legs. so, we hold hand each others and  then ran to broke others team balloons

the games finished at 12 o'clock. after that we taken a rest, pray to god, eat, and also take a bath. we given break time, so we used it for take a nap but there was several team used their time to prepared for inagurasi at night. as usual my team was not great like others. we just showed acoustic, mainstream -___- arggghhhh so ashamed .

in the morning we had a breakfast in the front of tent

 after that, we make a line in the middle of the tent field. we
okeee just it for Master Day, i hope i never join that event again Bcos, it's make my skin darken :/ . i go gome with burned skin , and it's not cool. BYE!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


this week i'm haired. what's haired? haired is happy but tired hahaha
because 2 days ago, i went to coban rais to camping with all student of himamasta . it called Master Day, closing day from PMC 1 till PMC 3 .

 this is me when i was waiting ari in her dorm. sandals by Crocs , triple jeans by e-bay, t-shirt by buti collection , unbranded denim jacket, bag by shopie martin

owhhhh how cute i'm :D

we went to coban rais was about 4 PM by a truck (i guessed that it was goat truck or sugar cane truck haha) . it wasn't far from UB so we arrived at 5.30 PM and then we supper and slept. i couldn't sleep well because my tent beside commite tent which was so noisy. when i felt sleepy the committee ask us to wake up because we were gonna JJM (Jalan Jalan Malam). JJM is the time when we walk to the hill in the dark night without any light except flashlight . the committee just gave us a map and a keyword. the keyword used to make sure that someone who met us is a masta crew or not. if there is someone ask to us like this "mau kemana?", we should answer "ih kepo deh" and if someone asked "anak masta ya?" the answer is "mau tauu aja"
the last keyword to make sure that they were masta crew was we must called them "kakaku sayang". if they are masta crew, they would answer with himamasta's jargon but if they didn't ,it's mean that they weren't himamasta crew.

they made 4 spot to take a rest.  in the first spot my team and another team was greeted by my senior in the Department of mathematics and computer. then they explain about the history of himamasta. from the beginning of the himamasta establishment , until the legendary leaders. they are very friendly. they know if we've started sleepy so they stop the explanation and ask us to continue our trip.

in the second spot, we met the evil senior . at first time ,he talked to us loudly as komsus.  but after he pointed me to dance in front of my friend he laughed and told us that it just kidding.omagah, we bullied by him. actually, he was a good man. he told us about studio statistika and how to join with studio statistika. he was really funny too.

then, we continued our trip to the third spot. there, we explained by five seniors about LSM (Lingkar Studi Matematika) . the differences between second and third spot is if second spot told us about organization  just for statisticas student but in the third spot told us an organization for mathematics student  only.

aaaaannd our hell was fourth spot. there was many komsus in there. maybe they cleave them self like amoeba so that they can increase amount of them . they screamed to us, speak loudly in front of our face and also talked roughly like a barking dog. my heart beat too fast until i could hear it. they walked beside me, and other student. they shouted many question and ask us to answer it. if we didn't speak up they would say that we were loser, or dump or anything else. do you know ? it's really bothered me. they act like a boss, ugh!!!!! i wanna smacked one of them. but there was someone who talked somethin' logic at the time. he said that we must brave to speak up, because if we don't, we're gonna be a loser. he knew that we weren't too brave to speak because we afraid. but there was something that we should know that the komsus was not a god who need to be feared by us.

after 15 minutes i stand in fourth spot,with many devil surround me. finally i could easy to breathe because i was free from komsus. after that i walked towards to the down hill and back to the camp. i was so tired at the time whereas,  that was not  full one day .............

Thursday, November 7, 2013

OVJ road show to Malang

yesterday, me and my friend went to the rampal yard to watch OVJ (Opera Van Java). the event begun at seven o'clock, but we wanted to get a place near the stage so that we could see clearly the artist. so we left home around 6 o'clock. poor us, a lot of people was sat in front of stage and no more space to newcomer. 
we should stand , between people (flood of people). 

 that was a condition in the OVJ road show. so terrible , right?
 me and afanin tried to take a picture, but the light was not support us, so bad face
not too long , my friend told me by sms if destian lost his i pad. me and afanin back to the parking lot quickly to discuss about it. ari, aisyah, cendy and adel followed me soon.
finally the goods was gone and we decided to leave the field to looked for hangout place to refresh our mind :) .but only 2 minutes after leave the place we stuck in the long traffic jam. so hot, because we bathed in fumes of motorcycle vehicle. it was like in sauna ,bad sauna. i guess the traffic jam happened because there was two gates of parking lot opened. so,the people who was in the way blocked by people who coming out from the field. it happened about one hour, it's made my ankle painful.

it was taken by me after traffic jam was over

then, we went to SOB in ijen street. we was there around 11:00 pm o'clock untill 01:00 a.m. we talked about anything, mostly about lekek hahaha. 

okeeee, thanks for sule to make my friend sad, and made a long traffic jam which was i stuck in there. you must have a responsibility about huge mess that you make. thank you :)

whisper : but it's still cool, cool-night. thankyou my besties :D