Saturday, February 28, 2015


yesterday i went to the coban rondo waterfall with afanin. but, actually i didn't get the waterfall yet. i just visited the playground. this place is near from malang city. you just take about 40 minutes by motorcycle. 

so many playground before we entering the gate of the waterfall. but the one that made me curious is a grass labyrinth. why? because it just one and only in Malang city. when you wanna go there you must paid Rp.4000,- for each motorcycle and Rp.15.000,-for each person at the first gate. than... for entering each playground you gonna get a charge AGAIN . 

 this photo is taken from google :)

so, here we are... we just took a lot of photos because it was rainy at the time so we didn't get a long at there

i love this hydrangea, but i did something bad..... i put it in my bag

 thank you afanin to accompanied me
"sometimes, what we need when the world feels disgusting is run away for a while from reality to taking a rest of our mind

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Failed Colour

hai everyone..
kecewa campur sedih campur seneng deh kalau seperti ini
jadi, niat awalnya saya mau mewarnai rambut saya menjadi ungu . maksutnya diombre , tapi sebelum diombre rambut yang masih virgin (belum pernah diwarnai) harus di bleaching dulu untuk menghilangkan pigmen rambutnya. sebelumnya teman teman sudah memberi tahukan saya , kalau rambut yang berwarna hitam seperti saya ini susah untuk diwarnai karena warna hitamnya terlalu pekat (bisa dilihat di post saya rub and rinse ). sehingga saya harus extra dalam melakukan bleaching. alhasil.. setengah sachet bleaching saya gunakan untuk menghilangkan warna hitam rambut saya kemudian sisanya saya gunakan untuk step kedua (pengulangan). tapi untuk bleaching yang pertama kali saya belum mendapatkan warna rambut yang berbeda, masih hitam seperti sebelumnya. sehingga saya melakukan pengulangan dan yang didapatkan adalah warna coklat bukan warna putih atau kuning seperti hasil bleaching yang saya lihat di youtube.
hmmm... saya mulai lelah. meskipun belum didapatkan warna yg sesuai saya mencoba untuk mewarnai rambut saya dengan cat rambut berwarna ungu milik l'oreal.

 setelah 45 menit menunggu rambut saya  MASIH TIDAK ADA PERUBAHAN
ini rambut saya setelah dibleaching dan diberi warna ungu

ohhh..... mengecewakan sekaliiiiii
padahal saya sudah mengikuti aturan dalam pemakaian cat rambut seperti yg tertera dalam brochure.
oke, meskipun saya gagal dalam mewarnai rambut saya akan menjelaskan tata cara penggunaak bleaching dan semir rambut DIY.

1. cuci rambut menggunakan shampo tanpa conditioner,
2.  campur bleaching dengan antonksidan dalam satu wadah dan aduk rata
3. bagi rambut anda menjadi beberapa layer
4. aplikasikan pasta bleaching pada rambut anda (per layer) dengan menggunakan sisir khusus, dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan gloves karena bleaching akan membuat kulit anda menjadi rusak.
5.  tunggu hingga kering kurang lebih 30 menit atau keringkan menggunakan hairdryer.
6. bilas rambut anda menggunakan shampo

1. bilas rambut anda setelah melakukan bleaching dan keringkan hingga setengah kering
2. campur antioksidan dengan cat rambut yang anda gunakan, aduk rata
3. aplikasukan cat rambut pada rambut anda (per layer) dengan menggunakan sisir khusus dan jangan lupa menggunakan gloves karena warna dari cat rambut tidak mudah hilang bila mengenai kulit.
4. tunggu sekitar 30 - 45 menit lalu bilas.
5. jika warna dirasa kurang terang bisa dilakukan pengulangan sesuai keinginan anda.

dalam beberapa kasus, seperti yang saya lihat tutorial di youtube. rambut yang masih virgin atau belum pernah diwarnai sama sekali akan kesulitan dalat melakukan pewarnaan untuk pertama kalinya. hal itu bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan bleaching yang memiliki kadar kalium yang lebih tinggi bisa yang 10% atau 12 % .
tapi, lebih baik jika kita membawa rambut kita ke salon untuk diwarnai karena penangan di salon dilakukan oleh orang orang yang sudah profesional. sehingga rambut kita tidak akan rusak. karena kebanyakan orang orang yang melakukannya sendiri di rumah mengalami kerusakan rambut (rambut bercabang) dll, karena digunakan sebagai bahan percobaan. sangat disayangkan jika rambut kita as a crown for women harus rusak hanya karena cat rambut.
mungkin , sampai disini dulu. semoga post ini bermanfaat untuk kalian yang ingin melakukan DIY hair dye.


Yuhuuuu the next trip issssss BEACH..
Beach beach beach... Oh, I love the beach
Banyuwangi has a lot of beautiful beaches which are still virgin. But I decided to visit one of them. It named WEDI IRENG BEACH. It took 2 hours from Banyuwangi city. If you want to go there, just follow the Pulau merah sign and you'll find it because the place is near from pulau merah beach.

So when you visit wedi ireng beach you will see many tourism objects like Pulau more beach, mustika island, and pancer beach because it's very near from those all tourism object. When you go to the beach just turn right from Pulau merah. Walk about 1 km and you'll see pancer beach it will be your parking lot. to entering wedi ireng beach you only pay 5000 rupiahs for parking and if you wanna go to the wedi ireng beach you must go uphill, walk in the middle of the forest and it takes 40 reach the hill you must cross a lil bay by boat. you only pay 5000 rupiahs for each passanger. that are not only the bad news, but the worst is the road is not good as your wish.  more over in the rain season. the road will be full of mud, if you don't be carefull you will stuck on it. ouh, you must see around because thorns and dogs everywhere. i'm sorry that i can't post a picture of the road .

finnaly, after my struggle to pass the hill i found this...

the weather burn my skin  :( moreover my face,meh. OMG that was so hot. but idc, i did it. i could walked in this beauty paradise. i'm so proud of me hahaha. 

look at the gradation of the sea.... mehhhhh so awesome
aaaaahhhh i wanna swim swim like a dolphinnn

yoooshh...after took so many pictures i go home by a boat and paid 25.000 rupiahs for each person , but the driver asked me to see arround mustika island and just add the charge ten thousand rupiahs. hmmmm i thought that's not a bad idea. we went to mustika island by a boat. it was take 45 minutes from wedi ireng beach to pancer beach (the parking lot) and we paid  Rp 35.000 for each person. don't forget to your safety because we would be in the high seas.
idk, why it called mustika island but something that i know that there's no one in this island.  we can't walk through the island because if we want to.. we must climb it up. this island doesn't have a beach for us to walk . so i think, it's more look liked a massive coral.

my boat walked slowly.... *ignore the n y e m p i l s foot behind me*

it's danger if we were being  too close to the island due the high wave will hit the boat and we're gonna crashed with the coral in front of us. that's why my boat just walked slowly to gave me a moment to take the picture and still take a distance from the island about 500 meters. aaaand look at this beautiful island.

both , in the bottom are giant coral that would like to hit our boat when we walked too close to the island

now, i knw why it called mustika. in Indonesia, mustika describe an important and beautiful things. just, look at the island. the coral has an awesome carving like carved by human but actually it's not. maybe the huge waves made it , or anything . i can't too much make an assumption haha. but one thing for sure that , OMFG it's cool!!!!

don't ask why i always hanging out with firoh, because a friend without big mouth  is hard to find. yap, some friend always said "when we can traveling together? " buuuttt when i ask them to join they ans "how to get there?", "sorry i can't maybe next time", "no money in my pocket...", "sorry i have to...." oh goooddd sometimes it makes me upset...'s okay

hmmm people said that "heaven is hard to reach", and that's all true. that's why i'm really proud of me because already walked on one of this paradise ....

thnks god!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015


For the second vacation, I spent my time in Bondowoso. Actually, I was not in the bondowoso city, but I went to the some place in the bondowoso's highland.  first place that i visited was KAWAH WURUNG. why it called kawah wurung? kawah means crater in English and wurung is javanese languange, it means cancel in English. so the kawah wurung is a creater which is not yet became a truly creater like kawah ijen or kawah putih . just imagine it like a lake without a water that surrounded by so many hills and all of it covered by a lot of grass. Yup, that's looked like a meadow.

i went kawah wurung from Banyuwangi because the way is better and faster than from bondowoso . It only took about 3.5 hours from Banyuwangi city. For you who never come here, i suggest you to bring a jeep if you go to there by a car or bring a motor-trail if you go there with a motorcycle because the way is really really baaaaaaaaad. you must be careful if the rainy season coming, because the road is not stable so it occur a landslide.

Even though the trip was tense , but we paid with a beautiful view from the kawah wurung. Aw, I forgot to tell you that we got a charge in parking lot only 5 thousand rupiahs for each motorcycle. but  up to you if you wanna go there by a walk, you can leave your vehicle in parking lot but you also can get there with your vehicle. Emm because I want to continue my trip to the next place, so i ride my vehicle to go up there . 
and taraaaa....

one of an awesome picture that painted by God for us. i just said SUBHANALLAH SUBHANALLAH SUBHANALLAAAH... i can't describe it by words. that's too beautiful .

sweater by Nagud , bag by octopus project, shoes by nike, jeans by rodeo

 i felt in peace when the wind say hi to me. came syahrini went to the new zaeland if Indonesia have a copy of it. 

the second destination is Villa Jampit. my friend said that Villa Jampit has a great view of flower garden. it's about 45 minutes from kawah wurung. my motorcycle always slipped by a mud and it made my trip need a long-time. in the middle of the the trip we through a place that looked like Kawah Wurung, but it wasn't. it called kawah bulan sabit. because the crater is not spherical like kawah wurung but it's like a crescent moon. poorly , i can't show you how the awesome it is because it only seem if you are in the air (by helicopter or  plane. )

 see? you can't see anything

and, after we passed a village we got the Villa Jampit. for the ticket we charged ten thousand rupiahs for 2 people.  hmmm for me, that's not special at all after i came in to the house. oke i'll describe it for you. Villa Jampit built at 1927 by a Dutchman. And now, the Villa belongs to someone who live near that village (indonesian). in the left , there are 2 house trees which is looked like an ex monkey's bed. haha but i love that place

then , we  talk about a Villa. from the in front of the Villa it looks normal just like an old house in usual. but when you come in , you'll be surprise because you are in the second floor. yap, bedrooms are in the first floor. it seems like underground house BUT it is not!! when go down stair, you'll see a beautiful flower garden. 
hmmmm it's hard to describe so i'll give you some photos of Villa Jampit

please ignore the girl in the picture above 

we went home when the hard rain going down . wohoooo the track was really bad. mud everywhere, my motorcycle slipped again and again. we looked like a rat -__-. but alhamdulilaaah we safe until the roadway. 

on the way, we visited the last place . it's near kawah ijen, i called it belerang waterfall because the water is contained by Sulfur . you can't drink it, swim swim like dolphin there, or just wash your face bcos it's dangerous.  


at 3 pm. we returned to banyuwangi with a very wonderful experience. i will not regret to came here because have an opportunity to see how the Almighty created it for us is an unforgetble moment ever. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Karanganyar Waterfall

Aloha readers
Sudah lama saya nggak menulis setelah post  yang terakhir. Selain karena banyaknya kegitan , liburan semester ganjil ini bikin saya lupa segala galanya. Just slept, travelled, slept again , travelled again, and slept again and again. Sampai lupa kalau ada blog yang harus diurusin haha

Oke, untuk menghilangkan kekecewan readers karena sudah absen selama beberapa minggu , saya akan menceritakan hasil dari travelling saya waktu pulang di kampoeng halaman tertjintahh.

Yap.. Banyuwangi.
Dulu yang orang tau Banyuwangi hanyalah kota kecil diujung timur pulau jawa tempat dimana para wisatawan singgah untuk menyebrang ke pulau dewata. Namun, seolah berbalik  360 derajat. Kini, Banyuwangi sudah cukup dikenal banyak orang dari kota maupun negara lain. Tidak hanya karena event unik dan menarik yang diadakan di Banyuwangi, namun keindahan alam diBanyuwangi juga menjadi salah satu magnet bagi para touris asing maupun lokal.

Salah satu tempat wisata yang baru akhir akhir ini adalah sebuah air terjun yang dinamai air terjun kembar oleh warga sekitar. Kalau dulu di kota Banyuwangi hanya ada air terjun Kalibendo, namun sekarang air terjun Kembar ini menjadi primadona para wisatawan lokal.

Air terjun ini berada di dusun Karanganyar, Banyuwangi. Cukup menempuh perjalanan 30 menit untuk sampai ke air terjun tersebut dari kota Banyuwangi. Bagi orang Banyuwangi asli  yang belum tahu tempat wisata ini perlu diketahui bahwa air terjun kembar ini hanya 500 meter dari kolam Pemandian Taman Suruh.

Untuk melihat air terjun ini kita hanya perlu membayar parkir 2000 rupiah /sepeda motor. Selanjutnya dari tempat parkir kita akan menuruni jalan yang sedikit terjal dan basah sehingga harus berhati hati agar tidak tergelincir. Dalam perjalanan turun menuju air terjun , kalau beruntung kita akan disambut oleh monyet monyet yang biasanya duduk di tengah jalan. Perjalanan turun ke air terjun hanya memakan waktu 5 menit dari tempat parkir
Ini lah air terjun kembar yang dari tadi saya bicarakan . salah satu keindahan alam yang Allah buat untuk kita.

 with bestie

Well, itu jalan jalan pertama saya di kota tercinta ketika liburan kemarin. Tunggu postingan  jalan jalan saya berikutnya yang tidak kalah menarik dari yang satu ini. Ciao!!