Friday, December 12, 2014

Praktikum Komdas (seleksi)

 night buddy,nih aku kasih bantuan kalian ngerjain praktikum komdas bab seleksi. inget inget deh kalo ngerjain komdas harus bener bener teliti yaaa, jangan sampai ada yang kurang titik, koma, atau titik komanya. cara membaca laporan praktiku ini dari kiri ke kanan yaa...
kurang lebih seperti ini praktikum komdasku tahun lalu. semoga bermanfaat :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Master Day 2014

Last night there was a big event that in 2013 I became a committee. Yap!! Master Day 2014. But now, I'm not the committee, but I'll be the contestant.

I joined a Mr and Mrs Matematika Statistica 2014 contest, which held by Master day event. I and my partner, I Putu Nanda Pradita got an opportunity to represent statistics 2013. As contestant we have to showed our skill to the judgment. So, me and my partner showed to them a traditional dance. We combined traditional dance from Banyuwangi and Bali with a plot like Jaran Goyang dance. And it was interesting the judgment and also all the people who were watching us. FYI, performed by all contestant was used as requirement to became a finalist

The MC announced the three contestants who became a finalist when The Seven contestants had done to show their skill to the judgment. And with a permission of Allah, statistic 2013 became a one of the finalists. Yeah, we beat them all.. (Joking). Poorly for the contestant from Math 2014, Stat 2014, mat 2013, and math-stat 2011, they couldn't continue their fight in the final season. 
OMG, I was so nervous when judgment gave me a question because we just had  two minutes to answer.

i didn't believe when the MC called my name as the winner of the contest. I'm too excited, i'm speechless , and i didn't know what should I do at the time. i just smiled and said thank-you, thank-you, thank-you (ok, it's too much) .

me and i putu nanda as the winner, the runner up is Mr. Robby and Mrs.Nurblablabla (idk, her name hehe), and in the third place is Mr.Caesar and Mrs. Bidara . 

well, my winning  just because supported by lovely friend. And also some people who helped me like my make up by Pamela, My dress by andy Sugix a designer from Malang ,and Hoya salon to make a hair do for me. they were really helpful. i don't know what would i do if  there was nobody helped me at the time.And last but not least, i thank to my mother . thank you to trust me , support me and permitted me to join this contest, i will never disappointing you. i'm promise.
 Dinar, Me, Koyeeeemmm

from left (Cendy, Me, Afanin, Ela)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Praktikum Komdas ( konstanta,variabel, tipe data )

hi! ini laporan komputer dasar untuk mahasiswa statistika 2014 . maaf sebelumnya karena screenshot nggak aku tampilkan, kalian bisa mencobanya sendiri dengan dev-pascal karena pada laporan komdas ini aku menggunakan software dev-pascal :) selamat mencoba 

maaf kalau masih banyak kesalahan dan perlu diperbaiki. silahkan komen. kritik dan saran kalian saaaangaaattt membantu.