Monday, December 23, 2013


akhirnya futsal FMIPA yang diwakili oleh futsal SOBAT dapat meraih juara 1 dalam acara BFC Competition. event ini diselenggarakan oleh UKM futsal Universitas Brawijaya. dimana ini adalah event pertamaku sebagai mahasiswa baru yang mengikuti futsal Fakultas :) proudd prouuudd!!!!

pemain dari fakultas mipa antara lain Reinka (Matematika) , Welma (Matematika), Sinta (Matematika) , Mitha (matematika),  Gita (matematika), Nisa (Statistika), Afifah (Matematika), Dewi (Statistika), Dhita yaitu aku sendiri hehe (Statistika), dwi (geofisika), Berli (geofisika), Izza (Fisika). 

setelah babak penyisihan yang lumayan berat akhirnya kami bisa melaju ke final dan bertemu fakultas Teknik. rencananya untuk balas dendam haha karena saat OB (Olimpiade Brawijaya) kami dikalahkan oleh Teknik (don't try at home). walaupun di babak pertama yang masih 30 detik setelah dimulainya pertandingan FMIPA sempat kebobolan, namun pada akhirnya di menit menit selanjutnya FMIPA berhasil membobol gawang lawan yeaay !! dan akhirnyaaa Teknik kalah telak dengan score 3 -1 untuk FMIPA. semua ini tak luput dari panduan pelatih kami, yaitu mas Azmi (man in green), mas tekek (man in black) dan Mas Aan (man in red)--> see the photo . nggak hanya mereka tapi support dari para supporter dan do'a dari teman teman yang mendukung kami itulah yang membuat kami lebih semangat lagi di lapangan.

semoga aja dengan kemenangan ini fakultas mipa nggak diremehkan lagi sama fakultas lainnya terutama FPIK karena di Fakultas perikanan ada seorang pemain yang emmmm lumayan licin kaya belut haha (sebut saja tukiyem)

"thank you for your spirit"
"thank you for this winning"
"thank you for y'all"
"hope we'll better than this" :')

Saturday, December 21, 2013


She saves me ,when I feel afraid

She holds my hand when I'm falling

She hugs me when i feel lonely

She there when i needed

She tells everyone that she proud of me

She always forgives even though I often make a mistake

She smiles to see my happiness

She cries for my sadness

So many things that mothers do for me

But i can't do anything for her

I just can say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY mom

Friday, December 20, 2013


ini adalah soal praktek metstat terakhir yeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy . tinggal download kalo mau yang lebih lengkap 

sekilas tentang soalnya, aku kasih disini aja yaw. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Bornday Decemberious

Happy Birthday for my lovely aunty...........
hope you get more healthy, success and eventhough you're getting older but your beauty will eternal :D haha
unfortunately for me, because we apart by distance so i can't ask you to  buy me some food haha

not only her, my sista is birthday on December too. she is my older sista ,yeahhhh although she still in 5.

ouhh so many birthday in december. and they are close to me, so it make me confuse to choose which one that i wanna give a money moneyyyy come to mamaa

Monday, December 16, 2013


all people have the right to be critics. i appreciate it, because i do. but, we must know who are we being criticized and how to solve the problem. being critics without knowing anything about who is she/he is  like talk in the water. nobody hear.

especially for me. i always criticize someone but i don't like criticized by someone who can't tell me how should i am. for example : you said that I'm ugly but you can't tell me how to become not ugly anymore. for me, that's nonsense. i am allows you to criticize about me, as long as you like, but i don't care at all. it sounds like dog barking in back of me. my mom said that the people around us will mocking us even though we stop, walk nor run.:)

So, which one do you prefer? just walk and listening their fucking word ,or run faster to reach your dream and ignore them. the choice in your hand.
this is the sentence that make me laugh and motivated me when i'm down "what did you say to the people is not stop me to do what i want. i don't care at all"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The False Prince

he hoooo yesterday i bought a book from gramedia. yeah, as usual i chose it because it has a cool cover :p. this novel give us the unpredictable ending. you must read it . here i give you the review of this novel .

Title of the Book                         :The False Prince
Author                                       : Jennifer A Nielsen
Translator                                   : Cindy Kristanto
Publisher                                    : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Year of Published                       : 2013, Jakarta
Pages                                         : 392 Pages
Size                                            : 20 x 13,5 Cm
Detail of the Book                      : Literature >> Novel

for fiction fantasy lovers like me, have a novel like this is really satisfying. because, this book is not like others book. it has a twist that is very hard to guessed. the cover is interesting too, especially for me. the cover with black background is very cool. the title which written with gold make it more elegant. the crown in the middle of the cover make people asking, what is the story that hidden in the back of this crown?. do you want to know? okay i will tell you the summary.

this story begin from a little city called charcar. there was boy who like to steal. he was so sneaky, but actually he also clever.  he lived in the orphanage with bad owner named Mrs. Turlbeldy. he grown up in the rough environment. he was often didn't get enough food for a day in the orphanage. probably, that's why he like to steal. he called SAGE. but, his life changed when a nobleman named Conner and his servants came to orphanage, looking for him. to bought him ,exactly. indeed, sage refuse it but the nobleman forced Sage to follow him. because, they scared if sage run away so they hit sage in the head. after that he take to the horse train with bounded legs and hand.

he waked up, he realized that there are three boys like him. he asking, what Conner want to do with him? when they resting in the meadow, the nobleman explain his plan and ask them to leave if they were not brave enough. but, latamer was killed by the servants when he gonna leave them. and it's made them shock for a while.

arrived at the Conner home which called farthenwood. they given a lot of expensive clothing's  and delicious foods also a private servants . they given a lesson like reading, writing, and attitude for nobleman. until one day, at the dinner  Conner said that the boys will be choose to take the dead prince position. he said that the prince was die because killed by pirates . he added, if there is no prince so that the crown will fall in a wrong person. Sage didn't want it ,but everybody knows if there is someone refuse ,his life will ended like Latamer . he was in the hard position. since the dinner ,  Tobias (the smart boy) , Roden (the strong boy), and Sage (.....) tried to beat each others for get attention from Conner so that they could choosen as the next prince. till the day came, Sage who was choosen to became a prince by Conner. all servants in the farthenwood said that he was truly same as prince Jaden. but, Mott the one of Conner servant know the secret which hide by sage. Sage, is the lost prince. the prince who said by people that he died because killed by pirates. . Sage asked Mott to keep the secret.

when they  arrived in front of the palace. the guards didn't give them permission to enter in the palace. because too many nobles that said if they were with the prince. then, Sage ask to conner, Mott, roden  and others to passed the back door from the dirty culvert. after they reach the palace, in front of dozens of nobles,  Sage admitted that he was the truly prince. with all his encourage, he persuade the people inside to believe that he was Jaden. told them about his childhood, the ability to playing coin in the fingers until he showed his swords that hidden under his bed. and one things for sure, Sage asked the adviser to open the letter that his father give to him. finally, all people trust to him and Sage sent Conner to the prison because he tried to kill Sage on the Ship with asked the pirates.

you know what? this is cool story. with the forward plot and flashback in the end of the story make it interesting. this story doesn't confusing the readers. this story really tense, but also entertaining. moreover, the twist that make me say "oh my goodness! i don't believe it". you should read this one, and feel the sensation. you will not regret because you'll be inside the book :) 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hijab Of The Day

Saturday should be a best day ever to rest from busy time. but, for my Saturday it's not.
on Saturday i awaited by some schedule. they connected like a railway coach.
in the morning, at seven o'clock i must sell a bucket of flower and some snack for M-Day party. but, just because i was too lazy for get up from my bed, i went there at 8 o'clock. in the same time , i must to went to PKBR with others ladies in the rektorat building. afanin accompanied me. she said that i must wore a hijab, so i borrow it from ari.

veil from ari, top from ada women,denim jacket from matos, necklace from matos, long skirt from borjuis, sandals from grandma silvy , bag from matos

 i love this sandals because it's so comfort on my feet
 maybe it was unfortunately , because we arrived at PKBR a half minutes before it done hahahah. bad girl :D . my mentor wasn't angry  even though we late, ouuuhhh so kind she was. because it still 9 am and we must go back but we didn't have things that we must to do, sooo me and afanin went to the himpunan to find a job. unluckily,....... we didn't get it so we play poker with mbak shinta and mas pambud :)

and ho hey hey, look my newest nail colour. WDYT???????? be honest please.... is that cuteee :3 ? i coloured it with pocari nail colour from strawberry
 after enjoying a break time, i attended two meetings, both at ten am and one pm. hmmmmmmmm the last but not least, there was an additional basic of mathematic class with mr.imam which was bored acctualy -____-
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and then, at 6 o'clock i go home and lay on bed anymore

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


nah, gak kerasa banget laporan aku udah sampe yang ke empat (walaupun belum bisa ngalahin banyaknya laporan yang udah dibuat sama prodi lain ) . oke, as usual.... aku mau share lagi tentang tugas aku yang baru aku kumpulin kemaren. semoga ini bisa membantu yaaa. tapi aku cuma menampilkan soal dan pembahasannya untuk lebih lanjutnya bisa didownload disini


it is my second boyfriend ,because it always there when i need it.
sometimes it can be HOT or COOL as i want. but, the things that make me fall in love  is the sweet chocolate that pour on it. that is the sexiest point from this.

that's what i drinking now. see, the chocolate like a worm that are fighting to climb the straw to reach your mouth.  hmmmmm it looks delicious and actually it is really delicious.
it has many important contributions in my life like, save me from thirsty, emmmm make me forgetting about the task that pile up, for a while or keep me far from galau hahaha


people called it chocolate classic. it has some menu that i like too but i prefer cappuccino than others. with some ice , cincau and also a grater of chocolate. omagah, how i could remove it from my mind ? it stuck in there. i'm sure that if you try it once , you'll addicted like meeeehhhh
beside, it also has benefits for my body.
1. antioxidant can prevent a bad fat and make my boyfriend keep loving me (he doesn't like a girl with a lot of fat)
2. vitamin can keep me to be healthy (my boyfriend always said that i must keep my body healthy)
3. zat besi can make me be a strong girl (when my boyfriend gonna hurt me , i must ready to against it)
4. calcium also help me to became a strong girl (i need a stronger bone to hit the person who hurt me)
5. magnesium can increase my appear so that it makes people (especially for men ) outside interested at me (magnesium = mag = magnet)

ouhh Damn with ma boyfriend, i just loved chocolate classic and it go on for ever. never end. happily ever after [?]