Sunday, June 22, 2014


hooolaaaa  readers,
sorry for my late post. i couldn't wrote last week because i left my laptop at boarding house. and before i went home , me and all himamasta crew held an event that called MASTOUR (Masta Tour). we got a trip on Jogjakarta. we visited so many places beach, market, UGM, also Malioboro :D . that was my second trip to jogja because the first when i was at eleventh grade. alhamdulilah, my friends in division came the tour althought only one who didn't but that still gorgeous.

FYI , on the first i thought this tour was very expensive but after i looked the facilities i gave my thumbs up. okay, i will explain you about the facilities. first, the bus was very cozy. it had smoking area, toilet, the big baggage and also the plug-in hole (that was important). second, the snack which given to us was not twopenny. it had a brand and that was from Holland. hmmm i love this bread so much. and the things that made our tour more comfortable was we hire a tour guide. it was so awesome , so our tour wasn't bored, always on time, and the tour guide gave us an advice to bought some goods and he also kindly and patiently. thank you my Mr. Yudhaaa
sorry, :( i was hungry so ate the half

btw, we went on jogja at 8 o'clock and we arrived at jogja at 5 o'clock. but poor i'm, on the way i got a headache ,  bad cough and influenza. so i just slept without looked at the beautiful view around us. but the cough almost subsided when i ate this medicine.
 the cough was the worst at the time, because it distrubed all people in the bus.


Parangtritis Beach was the first place that we visited. huuu it was one of southern sea, the home of nyi roro kidul. there was a myth that said we forbidden to wearing green clothing because nyi roro kidul liked it so much and maybe you'll taken by her. hahaha but it just a myth and it was not include in the rule board. but one thing for sure was we didn't allow to swim in there just all because the wave was big at the time. 

with mas Indra. shoes by fleurette, jeans by request jeans, t-shirt by edy, cardigan by topshop, bag by matos, necklace by matos ,  watch by puma 

yuhuuu me and the borrowed cap
then, we got a breakfast at rumah makan Firdaus. it's near from pia java industries.
so, after we charge the stomach we visited pia java market and industries. there we could bought so many food from jogja. and the benefit was if you bought ten you got one free. i bought them too :D hahah

at the noon, we continued our trip to visited university of gajah mada. we met all of crew of himasta and himatika on there. they were very kind to us. we sharing about anything .and did you know that tour at UGM is the one of the boring schedule. yeah, it's because we must sat down at the hall until four hours. omaigah, it's boringus maximuss at the time i needed someone gave avada kedavra (harry potters spell) to me so i could rested in peace! but i still appreciate them. how they greeted us, how they smile to us, that was so friendly. thank you Himasta and Himatika UGM :) 

  after all boringuss, we spend our last time in Malioboro. and i said IT'S TIME TO SHOOOOOOOPPPPIIINNNGGGGG.!!! YUHUUU PREPARE YOUR POCKET, YOUR MONEY, AND YOUR DEADLY SEDUCE!!!!! we were gonna hunting some goods to brought at home. and i got so many things and you know what? they were cheap :D hahaha i could gave my sister, my nephew,also my mom. after all we went back to malang . fiuhhh, i was really tired. eventhough i didn't eat the medicine but i still could slept well without disturbed by cough. oke just it gaiss, see ya in the next time, and the next story . ciaaaaaaaaaaaooowww!!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fire in the Morning

Genting dan penting!

Hola readerss,

Hari ini saya akan menyampaikan  berita duka  dari tempat kelahiran saya.  Kemarin , tepat hari jumat 13 juni 2014 telah terjadi sebuah peristiwa yang menggemparkan warga karangrejo banyuwangi. Pagi hari yang cerah menjadi hari yang tidak akan pernah dilupakan oleh warga karangrejo. Pasalnya, klenteng hoo tong bio dilalap sijago merah tepat ketika semua warga sedang akan memulai aktifitas paginya. Para warga yang bermukim di dekat tempat kejadian berteriak panik  ketika api mulai membesar .

Menurut warga ,kebakaran itu terjadi akibat konsleting listrik. Namun ada juga warga yang mengatakan bahwa kejadian tersebut dikarenakan api dari lilin yang masih menyala .belum diketahui pasti apa penyebab kebakaran tersebut. Menurut penuturan warga,  satpam yang biasa menjaga selalu melakukan pemeriksaan ke tempat persembahyangan dan mematikan lilin lilin yang masih hidup. Hingga pukul 7 pagi warga sekitar tidak ada yang mengetahui adanya kebakaran di tempat persembahyangan yang sudah berusia 230 tahun itu sampai setelah asap hitam menyelimuti gedung tersebut. Untungnya tidak ada korban jiwa dalam kejadian tersebut
Kemacetan sempat terjadi karena begitu banyaknya warga yang panik dan turun ke jalan sehingga membuat truk pemadam kebakaran terjebak di kerumunan warga yang panik. Untung saja, kemacetan bisa dikendalikan meskipun masih banyak warga yang berlalu lalang (termasuk saya :D).
Api bisa dipadamkan sekitar tiga jam setelah kejadian oleh 6 armada pemadam kebakaran yang dikerahkan. Api terlilhat membesar karena diterpa angin. Namun tidak semua bangunan di komplek klenteng hoo tong bio terbakar. Hanya bangunan utama, tempat persembahyangan saja yang ludes terbakar.
Sayangnya saya tidak diperbolehkan masuk kedalam untuk mengambil gambar. Jadi saya hanya mencuri curi dari pagar dan olalaaaa bangunannya masih berdiri utuh hanya saja atap dan pondasinya sudah rata dengan tanah. :”(

Yaaaah tapi saya gak terlalu kaget juga , investornya tidak akan tinggal diam pastinya. Dalam hitungan bulan saja mungkin bangunan tersebut akan berdiri kokoh seperti sedia kala , atau mungkin hanya hitungan hari. Haha let's see. tapi saya tetap turut berduka atas kejadian ini . semoga diberi ketabahan bagi yang tertimpa musibah karena Saya percaya Tuhan sudah memiliki rencana lain yang lebih baik dibalik ujian ini.